Thomas Vaccaro


Thomas Vaccaro is the founder and Artistic Director for the non-profit Organization, The Peterborough Academy of Circus Arts. Matriculated from the National Circus School of Montreal, Thomas is trained to coach 17 different circus disciplines to all age groups in a recreational, advanced, social, or production setting. His primary loves when it comes to circus are Cyr Wheel, Aerial Acrobatics, Flow Arts, and a study and practice of movement in general.

A Circus Arts Curator since 2020, Thomas now spends his days designing circus sets to be utilized and played with by marginalized populations. Since 2014 Thomas has been the Artist in Residence of Market Hall Performing Arts Centre in Downtown Peterborough and has used his residency to produce/direct original full length circus arts productions, host social programming for marginalized groups, and proudly coach many students. He is an avid believer that circus is an accessible art to all peoples, and takes joy from helping others find their flow within themselves. His recent work reflects interpersonal relationships of family, recently having performed alongside his non-circus artist husband at the Ontario Contemporary Circus Arts Festival in 2019 & his adopted son as part of Public Energy’s Emergency #22 in 2018; His family was also the subject of a documentary by filmmaker LA Alfonso entitled Circus Boy at the Reframe Film Festival in January of 2020. In his spare time he enjoys (carefully) practicing on his skateboard, watching anime, and practicing archery.


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