Posts in Film
Shahed Khaito

Shahed Khaito is a filmmaker 22 years old, she came to Canada as a refugee in 2019. Shahed’s passion with camera and video editing started in 2013 while she was living under siege with her family in Zabadani, Syria. During that time, she began documenting the ways that people reacted to the war in the shelter using a camera phone. She shared the materials on Facebook. Then she started editing using simple mobile applications.

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FilmSara Shahsavari

B is 26 and is from the other side of the world. They are an amateur film maker and they see film as an escape to self and in to others. The struggle for recognition and the importance of minority influence is something B is passionate about. Their previous work has dealt with environmental justice in minority communities and international youth struggles. Covid has made us all want to escape, B tries to invite her viewers into a visually guided headspace to be heard in silence, together.

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FilmSara Shahsavari